Retention and relationship with the human brain.

Human brain is the body that distinguish between the human creature with the other. All the body systems in this set. One of the functions of the brain that most affect human activity is a remembrance. What actually recall that?. retention is the process of storing information on calling for the return by the brain.
Memory can also be defined as a reaction to elektrokimia a complex that is activated through various channels and stored in the sensory nerve network which is very complex and unique in the entire brain.

Type of memory based on the retention time :

1.Retention unite directly, stored for less than one second, or long enough, for example, to interpretation image, or word so that the word can be typed.

2.Active memory, or also called the short-term memory, for example, to rotate the phone numbers that just look and how to define or change after shopping.

3.Long-term memory, can survive for life, for example, someone who can remember the first love as if - it incident took place yesterday. Another example is the remembrance of our birth date.

That is some miracle of the human brain that we need to grateful existence in our bodies.


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