Food for thought

Posted by Achadi | 8:09 AM | | 0 comments »

In a study in Massachusetts, researchers gave 40 men, age 18 years to 28 years old lunch meat such as chicken turkey (contains 3 oz protein). After that, they are asked to think the training was quite complicated. On the day that they were given food made from wheat flour four-ons almost pure carbohydrate, and requested a similar training. Not surprised the researchers, the tests showed a reduction in mental performance after eating food
carbohydrate compared with the
protein. Other research has duplicate detection and the more that adults aged 40 years and above tend to be easier to have a similar effect compared with the younger people. Or they should have doubled it difficult to concentrate, remember, think and do activities after eating food that
high-carbohydrate than their age group from the same food with


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