The human body has many mysteries, such as the brain. This section has become the material for discussion and research which is very long time ago.
According to the Life Science United States, that a large number of mysteries that are difficult to be solved in the human body terhimpun in the cerebrum. The brain is an organ of the most confusing us, such as life and death, consciousness, sleep etc., all of that is the mystery man has not been able to be solved at this time.


If we ask the same question on 10 people, what cause we dream? Maybe you'll get 10 answers that are not the same. This is because the mystery that scientists can not be solved at this time. Theory that the first stimulus through the nerves of molecular information between the brain of the exercise of the brain during dream big progress. Theory is the other people will be a dream job and a feeling that was not observed again, in the process so we can help strengthen the mind and memory. Generally, scientists agree with the understanding that "dreams can occur during sleep."


Throughout life in at least ¼ spend the time to sleep. Sleep is vital for the sustainability of living beings breastfeeding, sleeping in too long a period that can cause less self-conscious, halusinasi, and eventually cause death.
Two conditions during sleep period that lasts a full bed (activity slowed eye ball), so when the brain metabolic activity slowed, and during sleep (when such can dream), so when the brain activity is very dynamic. According to the scientists that sleep in the fully we can make the body rest, maintaining stamina, sleep like animals. Sleep in a moment can help establish something in mind, however, this has not been proven.


Estimated around 80% of the be amputated once tortured feelings, stress, desire, warmth and other feelings. People who experience such phenomena, always felt that members of the body cut still exist. An explanation holds, the nerve that cut off the new relationship formed with the spinal marrow, where the missing limb as if there is, continue to send a big signal to the brain. Another possibility, the brain is a large "wire" transmission, it controls the body of the deformed body is like the perfect treat without flaw, this means the brain to keep control of when the body is still intact and in perfect condition.


Laughing is one of the most difficult man to understand. When we laugh, there are three parts of our brain to be dynamic ie: the power of the region in mind, it makes you get a funny (laugh); areas the movement to encourage your muscles to move; the emotional (feelings) make us smile. Pioneering researcher John Morryer find humor, laughter is a sound reaction against a very interesting story that infringe habits. And the laughter of others as a channel to send the information "interesting (funny)" to other people. Thus clear: we laugh make better sense.

5. Apriori (by default) and after birth

Whether the nature of mind and we are controlled by genes or environment-related growth after birth, this issue is always debated. Fortunately, the scientists are working to try to gather a large amount of evidence to convince, to answer the questions above. Lack of ability to examine individual genes, indicates that we should not be able to control over a large number of human characteristics. However, some research found that in many cases, the pressure faced segenerasi or education received, which will impact on people in the how, and what we will do.


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