Think deeply

Posted by Achadi | 10:59 PM | | 0 comments »

Many who thought that to "think deeply", someone needs to hold the head with both hands, and alone in a quiet room, away from the crowd and all that matters. Indeed, they have the "think deeply" as something burdensome and distressing. They concluded that this job is just to the "philosophers".

In fact, as has been mentioned in the introduction, God requires that people to think deeply or brood. God said that Al-Qur'an was revealed to the people or to thought:

"This is a Book which We have revealed unto thee, full of blessings that they may consider (ponder) verse and verses to get the lessons of those who have thought" (QS. Sad, 38: 29).

Which emphasized here is that every person should try to outright vengeance in improving the skills and depth of thinking.

Conversely, those who did not want to try to think in depth will continue to live in a very omission. The word negligence means

"passivity (but not forget), left, in confusion, do not bother, in carelessness." Failing that human thinking is not due to forget or deliberately do not hedge their goal the creation of self-righteousness and religious teachings. This is a way of life which is very dangerous that someone can bring to the Fire. With regard to this, Allah warns people not to include in the people that neglect:

"And remember (name) in the heart of your God humbly and with fear, and with the increase does not sound, in the morning and evening, and do not include those who are negligent." (QS. Al-A'raaf, 7: 205)

"And give them a warning about the day remorse, (ie), when all things have been be. And in their negligence and they do not (also) believe." (QS. Mary, 19: 39)

In Al-Qur'an, Allah says about those who are thinking consciously, and then think in the end, to the truth that makes them fear Allah. Instead, God also states that those who follow their predecessors in their blind taklid without thinking, or simply follow the existing practice, is in error. When asked, the imitator would not think that will be said that they are the people who run religion and faith in God. But because they do not think, they just do worship and activities of life without the fear of God. Mentality in this group, as described in Al-Qur'an:

Say: Unto whom the earth, and all that is therein, if ye know? "

They will say: "Allah." Say: "Don't you remember?"

Say: "Who is the owner of the seven heavens and the owner 'of the Throne?"

They will say: "Allah." Say: "Will you not be cautious?"

Say: "Who is in the hands of his power is above all things are protecting him, but that may not have protected from (adzab) him, if you know?"

They will say: "Allah." Say: "(Then), the road from where you gullible (sorcery)?"

"We have brought the truth to them, and they are really the people who
lie. "(QS. Al-Mu'minuun, 23: 84-90)


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