At the origin Alzheimer

Posted by Achadi | 2:32 AM | | 0 comments »

The first time, found by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907, the Alzheimer called, according to the name.

Surgical results of observation, Alzheimer brain nerve is found not only shrink, even filled with a cloud of unusual protein called plaque amiloid the fiber and kink (Neuro fibrillary).

Amiloid proteins that form cell-cell plaque protein, trusted cause chemical changes in the brain. Destruction nerve cells is causing the brain nerve function convey messages from one neuron to another neuron affected.

Although this disease is found that almost a century ago, it was not seterkenal other disease such as heart disease, hypertension, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or the like.

This is caused by this disease can not be seen directly the symptoms of disease such as hypertension that can be seen through examination of blood pressure regularly.

Latest clinical research shows suplementation with a fatty acid omega-3 may slow decline in cognitive function in people with alzheimer light.


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