Senility or Alzheimer disease is a similar decrease in nerve function of the brain that the complex and progressive. Alzheimer's Disease is not a kind of infectious disease. Alzheimer's Disease is a condition in which retention decreases with someone so severe the patient is not able to manage themselves. Alzheimer's Disease is not 'childlike because old age' is simply a process of becoming older. Instead, it is a kind of health problem that is very harrowing and should be given attention.

Alzheimer classified into one of the types (dementia) is characterized by weakening the conversation, health, recall, consideration, changes in personality and behavior is not restrained. This is a burden not only to the people, even family members maintain. Alzheimer's Disease that lower memory function also disrupt the function of people with intellectual and social. Usually, family members only come to bring the sick people see a doctor when they are not resistant to the symptoms of the illness.

Up to now, the source of the actual disease is not known. However, it is not caused penuaan. However, the scientists argued, it is associated with the formation of and changes in the nerve cells into the normal fiber.

Carry a risk for Alzheimer disease is a synonym with the parents, the increase in line with the growing age. "Starting at the age of 65 years, someone has a risk of five per cent contract the disease and this risk increased two-fold every five years," said Ahli Psikogeriatrik, Office Medicine Psychology, Faculty of Medicine University of Malaya Center (PPUM), Dr. Esther Ebeenezer.

According to Esther, even though this disease is associated with the parents, but history proves that the disease first identified this disease is to have a woman in the age of early 50's.


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