Effects of Delirium

Posted by Achadi | 10:33 PM | | 0 comments »

Are there other diseases related to memory besides amnesia and Alzheimer? the answer is yes. Delirium is the answer, in the delirium, memory disturbances appear as psychological factors as well, such as worries / fears that excessive (usually associated with the medicine/zat forbidden), and can also be caused by cognitive, but the difference is really clear with the amnesia is a delirium, the delirium of an interruption occurs and changes kognisi (but not to the memory disturbance), occurred in a short period of time (usually in a matter of hours to days) and tends to fluctuate (and appear lost).Delirium can occur in any age, but often at the age of information. At least 10% of elderly patients in treated suffering delirium; 15-50% experience delirium during the moment of hospital care. Delirium is often found at the orphanage. When delirium occurs usually in young people because the use of drugs or dangerous disease that threatens life.


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