
Posted by Achadi | 10:26 PM | | 0 comments »

Amnesia (from Greek Ἀμνησία) is a condition of declining resources remember. Causes of amnesia can be either organic or functional. The causes of organic brain damage can be, due to trauma or disease, or the use of drugs (usually a sedatif). The cause is a functional psychological factors, such as ego defense mechanism. Amnesia can also occur spontaneously, as occurs in transient global amnesia. This global type of amnesia common starting age until the mid-old age, especially in men, and usually lasts less than 24 hours.

Impact of amnesia is the inability to imagine the future. Research published in the last network in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that the amnesia with damage to the hippocampus can not imagine the future. This is because when a normal imagine the future, they use past experience to describe the scenarios that may face. For example, someone who tried to imagine what will happen in the party who want to become the target of the party will use previous experience to help describe the events in the future.


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