People Who never forget

Posted by Achadi | 8:17 AM | | 0 comments »

Imagine a moment how it seems if you have a very strong memory so that you can remember your mother's face when he first time you breastfeed. Unite sensor so sharp, so you even different types of sound and color can produce a clear image, the symphony can display the view, sound, taste, smell, and feelings. You can repeat a list that consists of seventy-row figures are people to you, not only from front to back, but also from back to front. Not only 1 hour after the list is read, but even 15 years later. This is true - true Shereshevski experienced by Solomon (SS) of a newspaper journalist in Moscow who became famous as the subject of a research expert psychological classic, Alexandra R Luria, a book published in 1968.
You may think that people with such strong memories are great. Unfortunately, the shadow - the shadow continues to accumulate in the mind SS SS even crippling themselves with futile to spend so much time and energy to formulate a variety of techniques that can reduce the pressure and forget her mind. Although a change in the SS her effort to find the right place, he finally chose to become a professional pemacu memory, and working in a group of circus show in remembrance of expertise. Perhaps, the largest donation given to the SS story of mankind is from her lives the extraordinary in published book The mind of a Mnemonist, written by the psychologist, who spent thirty years of his life to observe and examine a man who never forgot.


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