We remember and we forgotten

Posted by Achadi | 8:45 AM | | 0 comments »

What is the reason we remember and forget something, Mmmh...it seems below some possibilities:

We remember.....

- Information that helps us to stay alive
- Something interesting that interest us.
- Something that means in our lives.
- Something that we practice.
- Something that we store in a code change with the techniques or tools mnemonik other memories.

We forget ....

- Something that does not mean dalm our lives.
- Something that does not involve us.
- Something that we do not practice, Repeat, or use.
- Something that is too painful to remember.
- If the stress is continuous function of the brain as possible.
- If we do not consciously recall the instructions.

Maybe you need to take it over. whether we remembering things correctly or we
forget the things. Hopefully helpful


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