As many people say, prevent is better than treat ... Mmh following tips seem to reference so we can prevent Alzheimer bro....

Scientists successfully detect several causes of Alzheimer risk factors, are : age more than 65 years, the descendants of factors, which environment contamination with heavy metals, cigarettes, pesticides, elektromagnetic waves, history of serious head trauma and the use of hormone therapy on women.

By knowing the risk factors above and the other results of research, suggested several ways to prevent Alzheimer's Disease, among which are:

1. Healthy life style, such as with regular exercise, not smoking and consume alcohol.

2. Consume fresh vegetables and fruit. This is important because fresh fruit and vegetables contain antioxidants that act to bind free radicals. Free radicals that damage body cells.

3. Maintaining mental fitness (mental fitness). This term may still rarely heard. How to maintain mental fitness is to remain active reading and enrich themselves with a variety of knowledge. Did we never too old to learn?


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