may be from one of our beloved relatives suffering from this disease, how can we treat them. following tips for our beloved people.
Here are some tips that can be followed when a family member suffering from Alzheimer's Disease:

1. Make a small note, to help him remember. Notes can be a scheduled activity, a list of important phone numbers, or can I also call.

2. Create a calm atmosphere. Avoid the rumbling, people huddle atmosphere or in a hurry.

3. Avoid forcing the patient to remember things or do things that are difficult because the patient will become anxious and even aggravate the situation.

4. Try to communicate more often. Communication is not only speaking but also with the hand touching the shoulder or to help patients focus attention.

5. Make a ritual at night. Behavior of Alzheimer's Disease patients usually worsen at night. Therefore, make the atmosphere of a peaceful sleep and comfort. Shrink television voice vote and avoid loud. Leave the lights remain on to prevent disorientation. Patients should not sleep day and limit the consumption of tea or coffee.

6. Create a safe environment. Patient rooms should be on the ground floor to avoid falling. Keep sharp objects or substances, harmful substances.

7. Engage the patient walking in the afternoon. One of the symptoms that are often found in Alzheimer's Disease patients is often? Keluyuran? (wandering). One of the reasons for their keluyuran usually trivial, they forget the way to the bathroom. Experts argued, to invite the patient walking in the afternoon to help reduce this occurrence. To prevent the patient lost, bekali road map with the patient home, the phone number and identification.

I hope we can help each other.


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