Retention Category

Posted by Achadi | 6:54 PM | | 0 comments »

In my first post, I ever make a chart for the type of memory & the example, and now I give the explanation. Hopefully useful.

There are many classification based on the retention duration, nature, and anything you want. Basically, the memory can be divided in two categories, namely explicit and implicit memory.

explicit memory

Sensoric include explicit memory, semantic, episodik, narrative, and memories otobiografi. Usefulness of explicit memories is to information and social identity, drawing otobiografi, social rules, norms, expectations. Some of the features of explicit memory are:

* Developing back / bias kortikal
* Bias hemisfer left
* Hippocampal / dorsal lateral
* Own the context or source memory clear

Implicit memory

Penginderaan include implicit memory, emotions, procedural memory, pengkondisian excitative - response. Usefulness of implicit memory is a scheme viscosity, transference, and the super ego. Some of the characteristics of implicit memory are:

* Developing early / bias subkortikal
* Bias hemisfer right
* Based on Amigdala
* Free from context or does not have a source attribution or labeling


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