An educator from Japan, Masachika Nakanae develop a curriculum that includes mathematics, science, spell grammar, english language and all are based on the use of mnemonic strategies, such as rhythm, stories and songs. By result research results indicate that the nursery-aged children - a child can learn math operations such as division, algebra problem solving (including the use of quadratic formula), decompose compound chemical formula, basic calculus, the molecular structure diagram and learn a foreign language. Some of the mnemonic strategies used Nakane mathematical basis for the calculation has been adapted in the United States. A study found that children grade 3 elementary school that uses this strategy menmonik capable of operating the division of mathematics learning within three hours. Moreover, control of the three children of primary school classes can be compared with children of primary school grade 6 to learn operating the mathematics for three years with the traditional way to study (Higbee, 1996).


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