
Posted by Achadi | 8:08 PM | | 0 comments »

Here are some types of headaches, symptoms and treatment.

1. Muscle tension
Defining characteristics: frequent headaches, intermittent pain, not too heavy and felt in the head of the front and back or the patient felt the overall stiffness
Necessary examination to rule out physical illness and psychological assessment & personality factors

2. Migraine
Defining characteristics: Pain begins in and around the eye or temple, spread to one or both sides of the head, usually on the head but can only on one side of the head, throbbing and accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting
If the diagnosis is still doubtful and a new headache occurs, performed CT scan or MRI or migraine medication was given to see the effect

3. Cluster headache
Defining characteristics: short attacks (approximately 1 hour), pain and felt great on one side of the head, the attack occurred periodically in a group (interrupted by headache-free period) mainly attacked the man who is accompanied by swollen eyes, runny nose & watery eyes on same side with the pain
Usually, a migraine medication is given to see the effect (eg sumatriptan, metisergid or vasoconstrictor drugs, corticosteroids, indomethacin) or inhaled oxygen

4. High blood pressure (hypertension)
Defining characteristics: Rarely cause headaches, except on high blood pressure because of heavy yg tumors in the adrenal gland. Throbbing pain is felt in the head and the back or on top of the head
Usually required blood chemistry analysis and examination of kidney

5. Abnormalities of the eye (iritis, glaucoma)
Defining characteristics: pain is felt in the head of the front or inside and around the eyes, are moderate to severe and often worsen if the eyes, tired
Eye examination is required to determine the cause

6. Sinus abnormalities
Defining characteristics: pain is acute or subacute (not chronic), was felt in the front of the head, are dull or severe and usually worse in the morning, better during the day and worse in cold or humid conditions
Required examination and sinus X-rays to make sure

7. Brain tumor
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, relapsing-remitting, mild to severe, felt at one point or throughout the head. Weakness on one side of the body increases, seizures, visual impairment, speech loss, vomiting and mental changes
Required examination with MRI or CT scan

8. Infection of the brain (abscess)
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, relapsing-remitting, mild to severe, felt at one point or throughout the head. Previous patients have experienced ear infections, sinus or lungs, rheumatic heart disease or congenital heart disease
Also required examination with MRI or CT scan

9. Infection of the tissues around the brain (meningitis)
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, lived, weight and felt around the head and spreads to the neck. The patient looked ill, with fever, vomiting, and previous experience or a sore throat and respiratory infections difficult to bend the neck
This case the patient should undergo blood tests and lumbar pungsi

10. Subdural hematoma
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, relapsing-remitting or continuously, is mild to severe, can be felt at one point or throughout the head, spreading to the neck. Usually before an injury has occurred in patients with decreased consciousness
Need treatment with an MRI or CT scan

11. Bleeding subaraknoid
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, widespread, intense and persistent, sometimes felt in and around the eyes, the eyelids down
The first examination with MRI or CT scan, if the result is negative then the function performed lumbar

12. Syphilis, tuberculosis, Cryptococcosis, Sarkoidosis and Cancer
Defining characteristics: pain is dull to severe and is felt throughout the head or on top of her head, suffering from fever but not too high and there is a history of syphilis, tuberculosis, cryptococcosis, sarkoidosis or cancer in patients
To ensure that examination lumbar function

from : forum.dudung.net


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