
Posted by Achadi | 8:17 PM | | 0 comments »

What Headache cause?

The cause of these headaches can be caused by conditions in the brain and its contents (medical language, intracranial factor), or circumstances outside the brain (extrakranial factors) such as interference with the eyes, throat, teeth, neck bones or tumors outside the brain. Another factor could be psychic like lack of sleep, anxiety, and many minds.

to watch from this headache if the headaches are an emergent unbearable, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, a decrease of consciousness, speaking from chaos, and a disturbance in the limb, we must aware of the direction of brain tumors. Moreover, these complaints lasted for months.

What Symptoms of Brain Tumors?

Specific symptoms of brain tumors associated with tumor location also provides a specific signal. Like a tumor on the front of the brain will cause changes in personality, a tumor in the back of the brain can cause seizures, and disorders of the eye

Once the extent of the symptoms need a doctor to assess the symptoms and conduct investigation to strengthen the diagnosis and location of the tumor.

One of the important investigation is a CT scan CT scan. brain tumors, usually in the form of (lesion) abnormalities of the immediate picture of parts of the brain around it.

More wise if you consult with your doctor to get a specialty Neurology accurate diagnosis.

Therefore this explanation may be useful and still maintain your health.

from : konsultasikesehatan.net


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