Child's irritability, tantrums, anxiety, difficulty concentrating? This can be caused by foods that often eaten lately. Child symptoms easily tantrum for no apparent reason, if relapse is often cranky, angry, often regarded as a child in school the naughty. avoid foods such as cheese, milk and starchy for some time. The result, gradual behavioral changes so that the child is not easy to anger and easy to concentrate.
According to Dr. Robyn Cosford, researchers from the Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, and professor at the University of Newcastle, Australia, explains that the brain and small intestine has a special relationship. Intestine is often regarded as "second brain."

'The nervous system of the body's second largest after the brain, and more than 60 percent of the immune system centered on the digestive system. Intestine is connected to the brain via neurotransmitters and gut hormones such as serotonin is produced to make happy. "Said Cosford.

Common causes of brain disorders are abnormalities in gut flora. Intestine is the "home" for existing bacteria in the body. If the amount of good bacteria in the gut-high, the production of nutrients that function to maintain health and helps the metabolism run smoothly.

Bacteria-both also play a role in protecting the gut wall, neutralize toxins, and enhance the immune system. If the number of bacteria-evil in the intestine increased (caused among others by eating the modern, 'Pattern of intestinal bacteria baby with her mother ") becomes more in number than the bacterial-good, then the immune system in protection against intestinal wall is compromised. The body also loses essential nutrients that are absorbed from food.

-Bad bacteria produce a toxin that can destroy the intestinal wall resulting in "bowel leakage" (leaky gut). If the bowel is leaking, toxins will get into the blood vessels and flow to the brain causing inflammation (inflammation) in the brain that inhibits the metabolism of the brain. As a result of the brain and intestines are malnourished.

Dr. Cosford states that when the gut or the brain experiencing malnutrition, metabolic process neurotransmitter will not function properly. This then developed into a psychological and neurological disorders. Disturbances in brain function causing symptoms difficult to concentrate, forgetful, short-tempered, easily panicked, paranoid, etc..

Another theory to explain the relationship between intestinal disorders with behavioral disorders is a brain gut axis theory (the theory of the stomach and brain disorders) in patients with autism.

According to Dr. Widodo Judarwanto of Chldren allergy center of Jakarta, the disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract will cause it produces similar substances morphine and several mediators other chemicals that can disrupt brain function and affect kids' behavior.

When neurotransmitters Disturbed

Behavioral disorders can actually be solved as long as knowing how to choose the right foods. According to Gunawan torch, ND, nutritional therapist, the relationship between the consumption of food with behavioral disorders associated with neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that function as a bearer of messages or signals between nerve cells of the body. Neurotransmitters also exist in the brain will even in the digestive tract. Received messages will be transferred through the digestive neurotransmitter neurotransmitter neurotransmitter-neurotransmitter until it reaches the brain.

Neurotransmitter formed from amino acids triphopan, vitamin B6, vitamin C and some types of minerals. Formation is highly dependent on the food supply. If one or more basic ingredients such asupannya low, the formation function of the neurotransmitter will be disturbed

Why did this happen? How do I fix this? Schizophrenia (multiple personality), easily anxiety, depression, impaired concentration study, sleep disturbances, aggressiveness and emotion rise.

Recognize Food Causes

Types of foods that commonly cause disruption of behavior are processed foods that contain substances additives or synthetics. And the effect depends on the endurance of each individual (for people who are sensitive at all, his reaction will be directly appear in the form disturbance behavior). Substances additives and chemicals this synthetic character to block or to - interfere with neurotransmitters of the brain in a way to imitate the workings of neurotransmitters of the brain. So consuming foods that contain additives and substances of synthetic substances will cause an uncontrollable behavior such as irritability, violent or sluggish. Foodstuffs such as flour (biscuits and bread), milk and foods containing MSG could also cause interference behavior at certain people.

Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, a nutritionist at the same time a neurologist America in his book "Gut And Psychology Syndrome stating that foods containing casein and gluten suspected to affect the health of the intestine in certain individuals, especially in people with autism. Casein is a protein contained in milk and foods and oats, eg flour, bread, oatmeal and noodles.

For patients with autism, gluten and casein is considered as a poison for the body of patients with autism do not produce enzymes to digest both types of these proteins. As a result of protein digested with either be converted into chemical components called opioids or opiate. Opiaid are like drugs such as opium, morphine, and heroin, which works as a toxin (poison) and interfere with brain function and immune system. Behavioral disorders associated with gastrointestinal disorders such as autism are advised to undergo gluten and casein free diet or a diet GFCF (Gluten free / casein free) for 3-6 months.

Changes in eating patterns and type of food consumed is an effective way to deal with behavioral disorders. But because food was the cause of this behavioral disorder is different for each person, you should really have to mark and identify types of food cause behavioral disturbances. And it is also very important to know, disruption of behavior due to food can occur in adults!

Now, identify foods that could harm you and take care of neurotransmitter your digestive health by running the correct diet. Yogurt, kefir, fermented milk can increase the good bacteria in the gut. Do not forget to consume vegetables, fruits as a source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


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