Garden tip of the recall

Posted by Achadi | 1:49 AM | | 0 comments »

Below some of the expression of remembrance:

Realizing that we need to recall is not divided into two categories right or wrong and the most important task is determining how and in what way the memory and in accordance with the relevant reality. - Daniel L. Schacter.

Is not so startling that many things that I do not remember actually ever happen. - Mark Twain.

A serious athletes who can get the cells in the gray brain because the pumping and often neurotransmiter. - Michael Hutchison

Nutrition can trigger the mind power and mind with the way the edit in order unharmonism brain chemical. Linus Pauling

Memory is a cupboard containing a delusion, a treasure trove sense, where gather conscience, and the board of advisers for the mind. - St. Basil

We remember the things that we thought interesting. - Sigmund Freud

Thinking is a process of remembrance, awareness of something which is always known, but often forgotten, - Plato

Each time the man can remember everything that happened on it and can catch anything that happens in all corners of the universe - Aldous Huxley

Although many people said that we only save a bit of information in active memory - say, one tenth of a percent we have learned - indeed recall we save millions of active times more than the information stored by a regular computer. - Morton Hunt.

How do learn about the art itself is a pure memory. - Danielle Lapp

An object or information is correctly akan always embedded in the memory, while objects that are not shown correctly akan pass without trace. - William James

I have removed all the memories that we created together .. But, when you touched like this .. and I love you like that .. All that has passed away, but now all back again. - Celin Dion's song It's All coming back to me Now

Modern technology - photography, video, audio, and computers - to build awareness and provide recall of the new world. - Steven Rose.

Knowledge is usually better to concentrate on the effort to understand the mechanism of mengapresiasi personal meaning, but to understand the power of memory vulnerable, we must consider both. - Daniel L. Schacter

We are all collectors of the memory is a very voracious. - Rebecca Rupp

when the old barrel was opened, and large light switched with weeping and laughter followed a long story, loyalty Horatius keeping the bridge past nan brilliant. - Lord Macaunlay.


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