Sport's relationship and memory

Posted by Achadi | 1:31 AM | | 0 comments »

Research on the process of becoming older a successful show that physical activity (with positive views and high education) associated with a strong mental performance in line with the growing age. Scientists from the University of California, Irvine, successful disclose a reasonable explanation of it: Sports trigger increased production NEUROTROPHIC BRAIN-derived factor (BDNF), a natural substance known to increase communication between the neuron.
When scientists observed the rats that experienced older, but do the wheels rotate in the sport every day, they found an increase in BDNF content all area brain, including HIPOKAMPUS that are important to the process of remembrance. BDNF also speed up the development potential or long-term memory formation in young mice on the mouse. When scientists produce not have any which rat BDNF genes, they found that these mice experienced a reduction hipokampus. This defect can be repaired with BDNF introduce genes in the neuron in hipokampus. "Our findings have potential implications on increasing learning and memory in animals and young children," says Bai Lu scientists from the Institute of Child Health National American. Ira Black, researchers at the medical school Robert Wood Johnson and their colleagues found that the potential effect of BDNF in LTP, is confident that the findings also provide new possibilities for learning and provide therapy for memory disturbances such as Alzheimer's Disease.


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