
Posted by Achadi | 8:17 PM | | 0 comments »

What Headache cause?

The cause of these headaches can be caused by conditions in the brain and its contents (medical language, intracranial factor), or circumstances outside the brain (extrakranial factors) such as interference with the eyes, throat, teeth, neck bones or tumors outside the brain. Another factor could be psychic like lack of sleep, anxiety, and many minds.

to watch from this headache if the headaches are an emergent unbearable, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, a decrease of consciousness, speaking from chaos, and a disturbance in the limb, we must aware of the direction of brain tumors. Moreover, these complaints lasted for months.

What Symptoms of Brain Tumors?

Specific symptoms of brain tumors associated with tumor location also provides a specific signal. Like a tumor on the front of the brain will cause changes in personality, a tumor in the back of the brain can cause seizures, and disorders of the eye

Once the extent of the symptoms need a doctor to assess the symptoms and conduct investigation to strengthen the diagnosis and location of the tumor.

One of the important investigation is a CT scan CT scan. brain tumors, usually in the form of (lesion) abnormalities of the immediate picture of parts of the brain around it.

More wise if you consult with your doctor to get a specialty Neurology accurate diagnosis.

Therefore this explanation may be useful and still maintain your health.

from : konsultasikesehatan.net


Posted by Achadi | 8:08 PM | | 0 comments »

Here are some types of headaches, symptoms and treatment.

1. Muscle tension
Defining characteristics: frequent headaches, intermittent pain, not too heavy and felt in the head of the front and back or the patient felt the overall stiffness
Necessary examination to rule out physical illness and psychological assessment & personality factors

2. Migraine
Defining characteristics: Pain begins in and around the eye or temple, spread to one or both sides of the head, usually on the head but can only on one side of the head, throbbing and accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting
If the diagnosis is still doubtful and a new headache occurs, performed CT scan or MRI or migraine medication was given to see the effect

3. Cluster headache
Defining characteristics: short attacks (approximately 1 hour), pain and felt great on one side of the head, the attack occurred periodically in a group (interrupted by headache-free period) mainly attacked the man who is accompanied by swollen eyes, runny nose & watery eyes on same side with the pain
Usually, a migraine medication is given to see the effect (eg sumatriptan, metisergid or vasoconstrictor drugs, corticosteroids, indomethacin) or inhaled oxygen

4. High blood pressure (hypertension)
Defining characteristics: Rarely cause headaches, except on high blood pressure because of heavy yg tumors in the adrenal gland. Throbbing pain is felt in the head and the back or on top of the head
Usually required blood chemistry analysis and examination of kidney

5. Abnormalities of the eye (iritis, glaucoma)
Defining characteristics: pain is felt in the head of the front or inside and around the eyes, are moderate to severe and often worsen if the eyes, tired
Eye examination is required to determine the cause

6. Sinus abnormalities
Defining characteristics: pain is acute or subacute (not chronic), was felt in the front of the head, are dull or severe and usually worse in the morning, better during the day and worse in cold or humid conditions
Required examination and sinus X-rays to make sure

7. Brain tumor
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, relapsing-remitting, mild to severe, felt at one point or throughout the head. Weakness on one side of the body increases, seizures, visual impairment, speech loss, vomiting and mental changes
Required examination with MRI or CT scan

8. Infection of the brain (abscess)
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, relapsing-remitting, mild to severe, felt at one point or throughout the head. Previous patients have experienced ear infections, sinus or lungs, rheumatic heart disease or congenital heart disease
Also required examination with MRI or CT scan

9. Infection of the tissues around the brain (meningitis)
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, lived, weight and felt around the head and spreads to the neck. The patient looked ill, with fever, vomiting, and previous experience or a sore throat and respiratory infections difficult to bend the neck
This case the patient should undergo blood tests and lumbar pungsi

10. Subdural hematoma
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, relapsing-remitting or continuously, is mild to severe, can be felt at one point or throughout the head, spreading to the neck. Usually before an injury has occurred in patients with decreased consciousness
Need treatment with an MRI or CT scan

11. Bleeding subaraknoid
Defining characteristics: a new pain is felt, widespread, intense and persistent, sometimes felt in and around the eyes, the eyelids down
The first examination with MRI or CT scan, if the result is negative then the function performed lumbar

12. Syphilis, tuberculosis, Cryptococcosis, Sarkoidosis and Cancer
Defining characteristics: pain is dull to severe and is felt throughout the head or on top of her head, suffering from fever but not too high and there is a history of syphilis, tuberculosis, cryptococcosis, sarkoidosis or cancer in patients
To ensure that examination lumbar function

from : forum.dudung.net

Ibn Sina (973 – 1037 M)

Posted by Achadi | 6:42 PM | | 0 comments »

Ibn Sina was born in the year 370 Hijrah at the same time with 980 M. Ranked first began teaching in Bukhara in the field of language and literature. In addition, he participated in studying sciences such as geometry, logic, mathematics, science, fiqh, and medicine.

Although Ibn Sina the various sciences, including philosophy, but he was more prominent in the field have medicine same as a doctor or professor's knowledge.

Ibn Sina began to become popular after the successful cure of disease Nub Son Nas Ibn al-Samani who fails treated by another doctor. Medicine intensity in the field does not have a compare so he is given the title al-Syeikh al-Rais (First professor).

Muslims genius

Posted by Achadi | 7:29 PM | | 0 comments »

1. Abu al-Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas Al-Zahrawi(936 – 1013), (Arabic: أبو القاسم بن خلف بن العباس الزهراوي‎) also known in the West as Abulcasis, was an Andalusian physician, surgeon, chemist, cosmetologist, and scientist. He is considered the father of modern surgery,and as Islam's greatest medieval surgeon, whose comprehensive medical texts shaped both Islamic and European surgical procedures up until the Renaissance. His greatest contribution to history is the Kitab al-Tasrif, a thirty-volume encyclopedia of medical practices.

The ideal time to memorized

Posted by Achadi | 7:39 PM | | 0 comments »

The most ideal time to reinforce our memories is at the time of day or night before bed, so the word of God "tsaqila" (weight) before the word "lail" (night) says in his letter to the Al-Muzammil:
We will be down to you the word of the weight.
indeed awake at night is more appropriate (for the devout) and reading at that time more impressive. (Al-Muzammil)
This verse means that night time is the key for most people to think, memorize and think. A research states that the human brain is still working on and do its work without stopping even though in human sleep. The brain is able to embed memorizing and recording what is heard when he sleeps.

Most true God with all His word

Brain and memorizing

Posted by Achadi | 5:17 AM | | 0 comments »

The brain section which need to be understood is cerebrum, or often called the "left brain and right brain".
cerebrum divide tasks into two main categories of tasks and tasks of the brain right brain left. The task of brain right among others, the right rhythm, space awareness, imagination, romance, color. Left brain task, among other words, logic, memorizing, numbers, sequence, and analysis of the list.
If we only rely on the brain just means we reduce the overall potential of the brain dramatically. So if we want to strengthen the sap, so we should ability to integrate between the left and right brain.

from: book smart Mind Map

Stress disease

Posted by Achadi | 7:22 PM | | 0 comments »

Researchers believe that release stress hormones, increased oxygen demand by the cells-heart muscle cells, and increased the thickness of keeping blood-chip, which trigger thrombosis explain how anger increase the occurrence of heart attack. When angry, the heart tap increased beyond reasonable limits, and the increase in blood pressure in the carotid, and therefore increase the likelihood of heart attack affected.

No special conditions required for someone to start thinking. Even for people who just wake up sleeping in the morning there are also many things that can be encouraged to think.

Be a day long before someone who just got up from sleep in the morning. A day when feeling tired or as if drowsiness has gone. He was ready to start the day. When thinking from this case, he remember a word of God:

"He is appointed for the night (as) clothes, and sleep for rest, and He made the day trying to wake up." (QS. Al-Furqaan, 25: 47)

After a bath and wash the face, he felt really awake and be in full awareness. Now he is ready to think about various issues that are useful for. Many other things more important to it than just thinking about what food his have for breakfast or how much time he must depart from home. And the first time he had to think about things is more important.

First, how he was able to wake up in the morning is a miracle that extraordinary. In spite of the awareness at all during sleep, but the next day he returned again to the awareness and virginity. Heart rattle, he can breathe, speak and see. In fact, when he went to bed, there is no guarantee that this will all go back to normal in the morning. He also did not experience anything that night. For example, the omission neighbors who live in the home can cause gas leaks that can explode and wake up that night. A natural disaster that can be soul can only occur in areas where.

He may have a problem with the physical. For example, he could wake up to sleep with the pain of extremes on the head or kidneys. However, none is going to sleep and wake it in the safe and healthy. Thinking that encouraged to thank God up to love and care given to him.

Starting the day with a new prime health that has meaning again that God gives someone an opportunity that can be use to get a better fortune in the Hereafter. will remember all this, then the most appropriate attitude is to spend time on that day in a way that blessing by God.

Before everything else, someone should plan the first time and is busy thinking about things like this. The starting point in getting blessed is to ask God to God easy in order to overcome this problem. Prayer of the Prophet Sulaiman sample which is good for those who believe: 'God give me inspiration to keep gift thy grateful that you gave to me has been to the two people and my parents and to do good deeds that you blessed, and I admit with thy mercy to the servants of thy righteousness "(An-Naml QS., 27: 19)

How weaknesses encourage people to think someone? Human body is so weak when just wake up from sleep may encourage people to think: every morning he must face wash and scrub the teeth. Akan realize this, he also ponder about the weakness the other. Is a must bath every day, the appearance will be seen if the body does not unnerve covered by epidermis, and a feeling of drowsiness unable, hunger and thirst, all the evidence is weak on himself.

"Allah is He Who created you from the weak, and He (you) after the weak become strong, and He (you) after the strong weak (again) and gray. He creates what He will and He is the Aware again Almighty. " (QS. Ar-Ruum, 30: 54)

For those who have been elderly, in the shadow of himself in the mirror can bring diverse in mind. When the tread age two decades from the period of his life, the signs old process has been seen in his face. At the age of 30th, look at the skin starts down lid and around the mouth, the skin no longer flat as before, the changes seen in the physical form of most of the body. When entering the twilight of the age, hair and hands turn into fragile.

For those who think about it, age is the evening's most significant events which indicates the nature of mortal life and prevent it from love and greed world. People who enter old age understand that the seconds have been close to death. his body old process experience and are in the process of leaving this world. Body little by little began to wane in spite of no changes to old soul. Most people are very stunned by smartness feel low or deterioration due to face during their young.

In general, men who used a certain kind of face handsome or beautiful teeth arogan, rather that in the past a certain kind of face does not feel low self-interest and not happy. process old is real evidence that shows the beauty of nature while the appearance or deterioration someone. So it can receive and make sense if the votes and akhlaq reply by God is good and their commitment to God someone is.

Every time when all the human weak think that the only substance is the Most Perfect and the Most Great, and remote from all imperfection is Allah, and he glamourize greatness of God. God created every human weakness with a purpose or meaning. Included in this goal is that people do not love the life of the world, and not carless with everything they had in life. Someone who is able to understand this by thinking will crave that God created himself in the Hereafter future free from all weakness.

All human weaknesses will remind one interesting thing to thought: plant roses that appear and grow from the black soil has a smell that was so fragrant. Instead, the smell is not very tasteful show of the person who does not treat the body. Especially for those arrogant and self-glory, this is something they should consider and take lessons from it.

Think deeply

Posted by Achadi | 10:59 PM | | 0 comments »

Many who thought that to "think deeply", someone needs to hold the head with both hands, and alone in a quiet room, away from the crowd and all that matters. Indeed, they have the "think deeply" as something burdensome and distressing. They concluded that this job is just to the "philosophers".

In fact, as has been mentioned in the introduction, God requires that people to think deeply or brood. God said that Al-Qur'an was revealed to the people or to thought:

"This is a Book which We have revealed unto thee, full of blessings that they may consider (ponder) verse and verses to get the lessons of those who have thought" (QS. Sad, 38: 29).

Which emphasized here is that every person should try to outright vengeance in improving the skills and depth of thinking.

Conversely, those who did not want to try to think in depth will continue to live in a very omission. The word negligence means

"passivity (but not forget), left, in confusion, do not bother, in carelessness." Failing that human thinking is not due to forget or deliberately do not hedge their goal the creation of self-righteousness and religious teachings. This is a way of life which is very dangerous that someone can bring to the Fire. With regard to this, Allah warns people not to include in the people that neglect:

"And remember (name) in the heart of your God humbly and with fear, and with the increase does not sound, in the morning and evening, and do not include those who are negligent." (QS. Al-A'raaf, 7: 205)

"And give them a warning about the day remorse, (ie), when all things have been be. And in their negligence and they do not (also) believe." (QS. Mary, 19: 39)

In Al-Qur'an, Allah says about those who are thinking consciously, and then think in the end, to the truth that makes them fear Allah. Instead, God also states that those who follow their predecessors in their blind taklid without thinking, or simply follow the existing practice, is in error. When asked, the imitator would not think that will be said that they are the people who run religion and faith in God. But because they do not think, they just do worship and activities of life without the fear of God. Mentality in this group, as described in Al-Qur'an:

Say: Unto whom the earth, and all that is therein, if ye know? "

They will say: "Allah." Say: "Don't you remember?"

Say: "Who is the owner of the seven heavens and the owner 'of the Throne?"

They will say: "Allah." Say: "Will you not be cautious?"

Say: "Who is in the hands of his power is above all things are protecting him, but that may not have protected from (adzab) him, if you know?"

They will say: "Allah." Say: "(Then), the road from where you gullible (sorcery)?"

"We have brought the truth to them, and they are really the people who
lie. "(QS. Al-Mu'minuun, 23: 84-90)

Contemplation in order to produce a benefit and so bring to a conclusion that is correct, then someone must think positive. For example: to see someone else with the physical better than himself. He then felt himself low because of the lack of physical compared with people who appear more shapely. Or she feels jealous of the people. This is the thought that God does not want. Ridha Allah if you are looking for, then he should take the form of good people who see it as the form of God's creation is perfect. With the view that as a shapely beauty that God created will give satisfaction. He prayed to God so that the beauty of people in the Hereafter. Are for himself, he also ask God that was the beauty of the intrinsic and eternal life in the Hereafter. Similar things are often experienced by a servant who is being tested by God to know whether the tests show he thought patterns and behaviors that either blessing God or vice versa.
The success followed in the tests, ie, in the contemplation or thought process that will bring happiness in the Hereafter, is still determined by he want in taking lessons or warnings of what he renungkan. Therefore, it is emphasized here that someone should think outright while face self to God. Allah said in Al-Qur'an:

"Allah which shows you the signs (of power) and his gift down from heaven for you. And never get a lesson, except those who turn (to Allah)." (QS. Ghaafir, 40: 13)

A few days ago I was discussing about the disease's memory. Among others, Alzheimer, Amnesia and Delirium, but what is the difference between the disease, let's see together.

Demensia disease

Posted by Achadi | 10:51 PM | | 0 comments »

Demensia condition is undoing the progressive intellectual ability after reaching the highest growth & development (age 15 years) because of organic brain disturbance, followed by collapse behavior and personality, in the form of interference in manifest cognitive functions such as memory, orientation, sense of heart and the formation of conceptual thought. Usually this condition does not reversibel, rather progressive. Diagnosis carried out with clinical examination, examination laboratorlum and view (imaging), are intended to explore the causes of which can be treated. Treatment is usually only suportif. Substance kolines feel resistor (Cholinesterase inhibitors) can improve cognitive function for a while, and make some drugs more effective than with only one kind of medicine only.

Demensia can occur at any age, but more on the elderly (lk 5% for the age range 65-74 years and 40% for those aged> 85 years). Most of them treated in the house and occupy some 50% of the bed.

Effects of Delirium

Posted by Achadi | 10:33 PM | | 0 comments »

Are there other diseases related to memory besides amnesia and Alzheimer? the answer is yes. Delirium is the answer, in the delirium, memory disturbances appear as psychological factors as well, such as worries / fears that excessive (usually associated with the medicine/zat forbidden), and can also be caused by cognitive, but the difference is really clear with the amnesia is a delirium, the delirium of an interruption occurs and changes kognisi (but not to the memory disturbance), occurred in a short period of time (usually in a matter of hours to days) and tends to fluctuate (and appear lost).Delirium can occur in any age, but often at the age of information. At least 10% of elderly patients in treated suffering delirium; 15-50% experience delirium during the moment of hospital care. Delirium is often found at the orphanage. When delirium occurs usually in young people because the use of drugs or dangerous disease that threatens life.


Posted by Achadi | 10:26 PM | | 0 comments »

Amnesia (from Greek Ἀμνησία) is a condition of declining resources remember. Causes of amnesia can be either organic or functional. The causes of organic brain damage can be, due to trauma or disease, or the use of drugs (usually a sedatif). The cause is a functional psychological factors, such as ego defense mechanism. Amnesia can also occur spontaneously, as occurs in transient global amnesia. This global type of amnesia common starting age until the mid-old age, especially in men, and usually lasts less than 24 hours.

Impact of amnesia is the inability to imagine the future. Research published in the last network in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that the amnesia with damage to the hippocampus can not imagine the future. This is because when a normal imagine the future, they use past experience to describe the scenarios that may face. For example, someone who tried to imagine what will happen in the party who want to become the target of the party will use previous experience to help describe the events in the future.

1. Make a relaxation technique regularly.
2. Listen to classical music.
3. Take advantage of the power of story telling.
4. Use strategy mnemonik every day.
5. Write what you want to remember in detail.
6. Arrange your mind.
7. Use of movement system to involve the body / mind.
8. Good health.
9. If you leave the memories, just catch it!.
10. Use the strategy.
11. Challenge yourself.
12. Adequate rest.
13. Multivitamin supplements.
14. Enough meals, reduce fat, drinking lots of water.
15. Consider supplements consumption memories.
16. let yourself have a new stimulus.
17. Involve your emotions.
18. Grouping information. Especially the number
19. Use rhythm, acronyms, and Akrostik.
20. Take advantage of the nature of memory that depend on the atmosphere.
21. Use the style of the more memory you like.
22. Go interaction with material to enrich the meaning.
23. Develop sense sharpness.
24. Develop a positive mental attitude.
25. Action immediately.
26. Perform internal repetition.
27. Give your brain glucose.
28. Do sports regularly.
29. Avoid sedation. And substances trigger drowsiness.
30. Remember Principles (First, Last, middle).
31. Ultradian rhythm you know.
32. Use whole brain thinking strategies.
33. Use imagination.
34. Use the represent method to the body.
35. Let the brain rest / relaxation.
36. Always think that you can do anything.

hopefully useful friends

practice makes perfect. that is the word often heard by us every day. Repeat the behavior in the brain's memory will become a habit and strong.
Basically, the brain is also muscle. Such as muscle and propriety human brain can be trained. Differences between the brain and body muscles only on the capacity. Where is the muscle in the body will experience a point of maximum development, are not in the brain. The brain has the capacity or the maximum point of development for this time there is no gauge of the people can never be found to count. And because this is also a practice that makes the brain and the ability to be given the much easier process than the muscles in the body of the other.

Please note, that actually does not have the "ability to remember the answer." Who have only given the ability of the trained and not trained. Basically there are only considering the ability of 'The One'. People easily remember the name and face are usually difficult to remember the telephon number and home number, also vice versa. There may be some people who can remember the two 'sides' well, where they can remember in a clear and easy to face and telephon number of friends, but people as they usually have a weak memory speed. Some of them can be easily and very quickly because the two 'sides' in the retention, but they also forget quickly.

Please note at this point, that all things that we remember, the subconscious has a relationship with all the things or people that we remember the past. All things that are related to the strong subliminal us, we will easily remember. And all that is not a strong relation with the unconscious we can also easy to forget.

The human body has many mysteries, such as the brain. This section has become the material for discussion and research which is very long time ago.
According to the Life Science United States, that a large number of mysteries that are difficult to be solved in the human body terhimpun in the cerebrum. The brain is an organ of the most confusing us, such as life and death, consciousness, sleep etc., all of that is the mystery man has not been able to be solved at this time.


If we ask the same question on 10 people, what cause we dream? Maybe you'll get 10 answers that are not the same. This is because the mystery that scientists can not be solved at this time. Theory that the first stimulus through the nerves of molecular information between the brain of the exercise of the brain during dream big progress. Theory is the other people will be a dream job and a feeling that was not observed again, in the process so we can help strengthen the mind and memory. Generally, scientists agree with the understanding that "dreams can occur during sleep."


Throughout life in at least ¼ spend the time to sleep. Sleep is vital for the sustainability of living beings breastfeeding, sleeping in too long a period that can cause less self-conscious, halusinasi, and eventually cause death.
Two conditions during sleep period that lasts a full bed (activity slowed eye ball), so when the brain metabolic activity slowed, and during sleep (when such can dream), so when the brain activity is very dynamic. According to the scientists that sleep in the fully we can make the body rest, maintaining stamina, sleep like animals. Sleep in a moment can help establish something in mind, however, this has not been proven.


Estimated around 80% of the be amputated once tortured feelings, stress, desire, warmth and other feelings. People who experience such phenomena, always felt that members of the body cut still exist. An explanation holds, the nerve that cut off the new relationship formed with the spinal marrow, where the missing limb as if there is, continue to send a big signal to the brain. Another possibility, the brain is a large "wire" transmission, it controls the body of the deformed body is like the perfect treat without flaw, this means the brain to keep control of when the body is still intact and in perfect condition.


Laughing is one of the most difficult man to understand. When we laugh, there are three parts of our brain to be dynamic ie: the power of the region in mind, it makes you get a funny (laugh); areas the movement to encourage your muscles to move; the emotional (feelings) make us smile. Pioneering researcher John Morryer find humor, laughter is a sound reaction against a very interesting story that infringe habits. And the laughter of others as a channel to send the information "interesting (funny)" to other people. Thus clear: we laugh make better sense.

5. Apriori (by default) and after birth

Whether the nature of mind and we are controlled by genes or environment-related growth after birth, this issue is always debated. Fortunately, the scientists are working to try to gather a large amount of evidence to convince, to answer the questions above. Lack of ability to examine individual genes, indicates that we should not be able to control over a large number of human characteristics. However, some research found that in many cases, the pressure faced segenerasi or education received, which will impact on people in the how, and what we will do.

A Doctor in the United States (Dr. Fidelma) embrace Islam because it has some of the wonders in his research. He was very impressed with these findings.

He is a Neurologi Doctor . When asked how he was interested to embrace Islam so that tells the Doctor when the nerve of the study conducted, there is some nerve in the human brain is not entered by the blood. While every inch the human brain require a sufficient blood to function as a normal.

After creating a time-study, he eventually found that the blood will not enter the nerve in the brain but when someone is in worship that is when prostration. Nerves require blood for some time only. This means that blood will enter the fiber is the degree to pray five times that required by Islam. That greatness of God's creation.

So, whoever is not to prayer, then brain can not receive blood enough to function normally. Therefore this incident is actually the man to embrace Islam "fully" because of the nature happen disposition has been attributed by God with this beautiful religion.

Being the God of man who does not have title to pray even though their intellect to function as normal but is actually something in the situation they will be lost in consideration in making the decision to par. Thus no human heranlah this sometimes does not linger for doing things as opposed to the disposition happen though rationally they know things will be done is not in accordance with the brain because they will not be able to consider in more normal.

Source: National Geographic 2002 Road to Mecca

Just for my motivation

I have to realize that I will quickly forget the things I ever learned, I do, the name of my old friend, and anything else, is be a part of myself. This is the reason why i write about the strategy regarding retention.
Looks really frustrating when people ask questions then we can not be answer correctly because forgotten, that I often happen to myself. But I believe this is not an accident for me but this will triggering me to not forget that most or at least reduce forget in my self. Come on, you can do it.

This is a part of the fantastic human body. Brain contains a trillion cells, including 100 billion nerve cells active (neuron). Each one of the 100 billion neuron can grow up to 20,000 branches divaricate (dendrit). Branch of a tree like this function saves the information. Intensity in the brain cells able to form the active connection (sinapsis) with extraordinary speed, 3 billion per second. Connection is a key strength of our brain. With your brain to recognize that imposing this, you will realize that you are the owner of a highly sophisticated computer. In fact, your brain is a thousand times faster than the computer in the world.

may be from one of our beloved relatives suffering from this disease, how can we treat them. following tips for our beloved people.
Here are some tips that can be followed when a family member suffering from Alzheimer's Disease:

1. Make a small note, to help him remember. Notes can be a scheduled activity, a list of important phone numbers, or can I also call.

2. Create a calm atmosphere. Avoid the rumbling, people huddle atmosphere or in a hurry.

3. Avoid forcing the patient to remember things or do things that are difficult because the patient will become anxious and even aggravate the situation.

4. Try to communicate more often. Communication is not only speaking but also with the hand touching the shoulder or to help patients focus attention.

5. Make a ritual at night. Behavior of Alzheimer's Disease patients usually worsen at night. Therefore, make the atmosphere of a peaceful sleep and comfort. Shrink television voice vote and avoid loud. Leave the lights remain on to prevent disorientation. Patients should not sleep day and limit the consumption of tea or coffee.

6. Create a safe environment. Patient rooms should be on the ground floor to avoid falling. Keep sharp objects or substances, harmful substances.

7. Engage the patient walking in the afternoon. One of the symptoms that are often found in Alzheimer's Disease patients is often? Keluyuran? (wandering). One of the reasons for their keluyuran usually trivial, they forget the way to the bathroom. Experts argued, to invite the patient walking in the afternoon to help reduce this occurrence. To prevent the patient lost, bekali road map with the patient home, the phone number and identification.

I hope we can help each other.

As many people say, prevent is better than treat ... Mmh following tips seem to reference so we can prevent Alzheimer bro....

Scientists successfully detect several causes of Alzheimer risk factors, are : age more than 65 years, the descendants of factors, which environment contamination with heavy metals, cigarettes, pesticides, elektromagnetic waves, history of serious head trauma and the use of hormone therapy on women.

By knowing the risk factors above and the other results of research, suggested several ways to prevent Alzheimer's Disease, among which are:

1. Healthy life style, such as with regular exercise, not smoking and consume alcohol.

2. Consume fresh vegetables and fruit. This is important because fresh fruit and vegetables contain antioxidants that act to bind free radicals. Free radicals that damage body cells.

3. Maintaining mental fitness (mental fitness). This term may still rarely heard. How to maintain mental fitness is to remain active reading and enrich themselves with a variety of knowledge. Did we never too old to learn?

Can not deny that Alzheimer can be suffered anybody, not only we as ordinary people and even those who famous can not escape from it.

following the famous people with Alzheimer :

* Enid Blyton
* Charles Bronson
* Winston Churchill
* Perry Como
* Alfred Deakin
* James Doohan
* Ralph Waldo Emerson
* Barry Goldwater
* Rita Hayworth
* Charlton Heston
* Beatrice Lillie
* Queen Juliana from Holand(1948 – 1980)
* Burgess Meredith
* Iris Murdoch
* Maurice Ravel
* Ronald Reagan
* Sugar Ray Robinson
* Margaret Rutherford
* Cyrus Vance
* E.B. White
* Harold Wilson
* Randhy Dwirendrahadi

Hopefully we can continue to maintain our health.

Some time ago I have been writing about Alzheimer's Disease, now I try to write the person who signs be risk of suffering from this disease. Be careful brother !

People at risk

* Hypertension who have reached age 40 years and over
* Having diabetes
* Lack of exercise
* Level of high cholesterol
* The offspring - have families who have a disease at the age of 50-an.

Better to prevent rather than treat. Keep healthy Brother

At the origin Alzheimer

Posted by Achadi | 2:32 AM | | 0 comments »

The first time, found by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907, the Alzheimer called, according to the name.

Surgical results of observation, Alzheimer brain nerve is found not only shrink, even filled with a cloud of unusual protein called plaque amiloid the fiber and kink (Neuro fibrillary).

Amiloid proteins that form cell-cell plaque protein, trusted cause chemical changes in the brain. Destruction nerve cells is causing the brain nerve function convey messages from one neuron to another neuron affected.

Although this disease is found that almost a century ago, it was not seterkenal other disease such as heart disease, hypertension, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or the like.

This is caused by this disease can not be seen directly the symptoms of disease such as hypertension that can be seen through examination of blood pressure regularly.

Latest clinical research shows suplementation with a fatty acid omega-3 may slow decline in cognitive function in people with alzheimer light.

Senility or Alzheimer disease is a similar decrease in nerve function of the brain that the complex and progressive. Alzheimer's Disease is not a kind of infectious disease. Alzheimer's Disease is a condition in which retention decreases with someone so severe the patient is not able to manage themselves. Alzheimer's Disease is not 'childlike because old age' is simply a process of becoming older. Instead, it is a kind of health problem that is very harrowing and should be given attention.

Alzheimer classified into one of the types (dementia) is characterized by weakening the conversation, health, recall, consideration, changes in personality and behavior is not restrained. This is a burden not only to the people, even family members maintain. Alzheimer's Disease that lower memory function also disrupt the function of people with intellectual and social. Usually, family members only come to bring the sick people see a doctor when they are not resistant to the symptoms of the illness.

Up to now, the source of the actual disease is not known. However, it is not caused penuaan. However, the scientists argued, it is associated with the formation of and changes in the nerve cells into the normal fiber.

Carry a risk for Alzheimer disease is a synonym with the parents, the increase in line with the growing age. "Starting at the age of 65 years, someone has a risk of five per cent contract the disease and this risk increased two-fold every five years," said Ahli Psikogeriatrik, Office Medicine Psychology, Faculty of Medicine University of Malaya Center (PPUM), Dr. Esther Ebeenezer.

According to Esther, even though this disease is associated with the parents, but history proves that the disease first identified this disease is to have a woman in the age of early 50's.

Garden tip of the recall

Posted by Achadi | 1:49 AM | | 0 comments »

Below some of the expression of remembrance:

Realizing that we need to recall is not divided into two categories right or wrong and the most important task is determining how and in what way the memory and in accordance with the relevant reality. - Daniel L. Schacter.

Is not so startling that many things that I do not remember actually ever happen. - Mark Twain.

A serious athletes who can get the cells in the gray brain because the pumping and often neurotransmiter. - Michael Hutchison

Nutrition can trigger the mind power and mind with the way the edit in order unharmonism brain chemical. Linus Pauling

Memory is a cupboard containing a delusion, a treasure trove sense, where gather conscience, and the board of advisers for the mind. - St. Basil

We remember the things that we thought interesting. - Sigmund Freud

Thinking is a process of remembrance, awareness of something which is always known, but often forgotten, - Plato

Each time the man can remember everything that happened on it and can catch anything that happens in all corners of the universe - Aldous Huxley

Although many people said that we only save a bit of information in active memory - say, one tenth of a percent we have learned - indeed recall we save millions of active times more than the information stored by a regular computer. - Morton Hunt.

How do learn about the art itself is a pure memory. - Danielle Lapp

An object or information is correctly akan always embedded in the memory, while objects that are not shown correctly akan pass without trace. - William James

I have removed all the memories that we created together .. But, when you touched like this .. and I love you like that .. All that has passed away, but now all back again. - Celin Dion's song It's All coming back to me Now

Modern technology - photography, video, audio, and computers - to build awareness and provide recall of the new world. - Steven Rose.

Knowledge is usually better to concentrate on the effort to understand the mechanism of mengapresiasi personal meaning, but to understand the power of memory vulnerable, we must consider both. - Daniel L. Schacter

We are all collectors of the memory is a very voracious. - Rebecca Rupp

when the old barrel was opened, and large light switched with weeping and laughter followed a long story, loyalty Horatius keeping the bridge past nan brilliant. - Lord Macaunlay.

Sport's relationship and memory

Posted by Achadi | 1:31 AM | | 0 comments »

Research on the process of becoming older a successful show that physical activity (with positive views and high education) associated with a strong mental performance in line with the growing age. Scientists from the University of California, Irvine, successful disclose a reasonable explanation of it: Sports trigger increased production NEUROTROPHIC BRAIN-derived factor (BDNF), a natural substance known to increase communication between the neuron.
When scientists observed the rats that experienced older, but do the wheels rotate in the sport every day, they found an increase in BDNF content all area brain, including HIPOKAMPUS that are important to the process of remembrance. BDNF also speed up the development potential or long-term memory formation in young mice on the mouse. When scientists produce not have any which rat BDNF genes, they found that these mice experienced a reduction hipokampus. This defect can be repaired with BDNF introduce genes in the neuron in hipokampus. "Our findings have potential implications on increasing learning and memory in animals and young children," says Bai Lu scientists from the Institute of Child Health National American. Ira Black, researchers at the medical school Robert Wood Johnson and their colleagues found that the potential effect of BDNF in LTP, is confident that the findings also provide new possibilities for learning and provide therapy for memory disturbances such as Alzheimer's Disease.

An educator from Japan, Masachika Nakanae develop a curriculum that includes mathematics, science, spell grammar, english language and all are based on the use of mnemonic strategies, such as rhythm, stories and songs. By result research results indicate that the nursery-aged children - a child can learn math operations such as division, algebra problem solving (including the use of quadratic formula), decompose compound chemical formula, basic calculus, the molecular structure diagram and learn a foreign language. Some of the mnemonic strategies used Nakane mathematical basis for the calculation has been adapted in the United States. A study found that children grade 3 elementary school that uses this strategy menmonik capable of operating the division of mathematics learning within three hours. Moreover, control of the three children of primary school classes can be compared with children of primary school grade 6 to learn operating the mathematics for three years with the traditional way to study (Higbee, 1996).

Retention Category

Posted by Achadi | 6:54 PM | | 0 comments »

In my first post, I ever make a chart for the type of memory & the example, and now I give the explanation. Hopefully useful.

There are many classification based on the retention duration, nature, and anything you want. Basically, the memory can be divided in two categories, namely explicit and implicit memory.

explicit memory

Sensoric include explicit memory, semantic, episodik, narrative, and memories otobiografi. Usefulness of explicit memories is to information and social identity, drawing otobiografi, social rules, norms, expectations. Some of the features of explicit memory are:

* Developing back / bias kortikal
* Bias hemisfer left
* Hippocampal / dorsal lateral
* Own the context or source memory clear

Implicit memory

Penginderaan include implicit memory, emotions, procedural memory, pengkondisian excitative - response. Usefulness of implicit memory is a scheme viscosity, transference, and the super ego. Some of the characteristics of implicit memory are:

* Developing early / bias subkortikal
* Bias hemisfer right
* Based on Amigdala
* Free from context or does not have a source attribution or labeling

Stress, Trauma, and retention.

Posted by Achadi | 6:45 PM | | 0 comments »

Perhaps we often hear some of the terms above, and its impact on our memories. The following explanation.

Stress sustainable or trauma.

Disrupt memory; a very selective memory. Kortisol excessive activation of trauma or chronic stress usually kill the neuron cells in hipokampus.

Under Stress.

Generate public facility in the storage memory; optimal hormone activation.

Stress Light.

Generate neutral or minimal impact of the recall there is no sign of hormonal activation.

We remember and we forgotten

Posted by Achadi | 8:45 AM | | 0 comments »

What is the reason we remember and forget something, Mmmh...it seems below some possibilities:

We remember.....

- Information that helps us to stay alive
- Something interesting that interest us.
- Something that means in our lives.
- Something that we practice.
- Something that we store in a code change with the techniques or tools mnemonik other memories.

We forget ....

- Something that does not mean dalm our lives.
- Something that does not involve us.
- Something that we do not practice, Repeat, or use.
- Something that is too painful to remember.
- If the stress is continuous function of the brain as possible.
- If we do not consciously recall the instructions.

Maybe you need to take it over. whether we remembering things correctly or we
forget the things. Hopefully helpful

People Who never forget

Posted by Achadi | 8:17 AM | | 0 comments »

Imagine a moment how it seems if you have a very strong memory so that you can remember your mother's face when he first time you breastfeed. Unite sensor so sharp, so you even different types of sound and color can produce a clear image, the symphony can display the view, sound, taste, smell, and feelings. You can repeat a list that consists of seventy-row figures are people to you, not only from front to back, but also from back to front. Not only 1 hour after the list is read, but even 15 years later. This is true - true Shereshevski experienced by Solomon (SS) of a newspaper journalist in Moscow who became famous as the subject of a research expert psychological classic, Alexandra R Luria, a book published in 1968.
You may think that people with such strong memories are great. Unfortunately, the shadow - the shadow continues to accumulate in the mind SS SS even crippling themselves with futile to spend so much time and energy to formulate a variety of techniques that can reduce the pressure and forget her mind. Although a change in the SS her effort to find the right place, he finally chose to become a professional pemacu memory, and working in a group of circus show in remembrance of expertise. Perhaps, the largest donation given to the SS story of mankind is from her lives the extraordinary in published book The mind of a Mnemonist, written by the psychologist, who spent thirty years of his life to observe and examine a man who never forgot.


• Vitamin A
• Vitamin B complex
• Vitamin C with Riboflavinoid
• Vitamin E
• Piritimol (Vitamin B6)


• Mangnesium
• Zinc
• Boron
• Calcium
• Copper
• Metal
• Manganese


• Ampalex or cx-516 - (ampakin)
• Aricept - (donpezil)
• Cognex - (takrin)
• Estrogen


• Fenilanin
• Glutamin
• Tirosin
• Asetil
• Ginko biloba
• Fosfatdil Serin
• Piracetam
• Nimopidin
• Kolin Fosfatdil
• DMAE / Deanol
• Non-steroid
• Hiperzin


• caffeine (medium)
• Cerebroplex
• Smartz (mental health drink)

Food for thought

Posted by Achadi | 8:09 AM | | 0 comments »

In a study in Massachusetts, researchers gave 40 men, age 18 years to 28 years old lunch meat such as chicken turkey (contains 3 oz protein). After that, they are asked to think the training was quite complicated. On the day that they were given food made from wheat flour four-ons almost pure carbohydrate, and requested a similar training. Not surprised the researchers, the tests showed a reduction in mental performance after eating food
carbohydrate compared with the
protein. Other research has duplicate detection and the more that adults aged 40 years and above tend to be easier to have a similar effect compared with the younger people. Or they should have doubled it difficult to concentrate, remember, think and do activities after eating food that
high-carbohydrate than their age group from the same food with

Body Memory

Posted by Achadi | 11:08 PM | | 0 comments »

Being already the fact that memories are stored in the brain and even the entire body. Transport system, for example, according to experts, is the molecular peptida that circulated throughout the body through blood pressure. For additional memory may be stored in the collection of cells in the body (cellular memory), as evidenced by reports that patients oculated organs (especially the heart), which states that along with the organs they receive from donors, also appear like a sense memory and does not like, and the changes personality that they did not previously have. This phenomenon triggers a statement: indeed recall that I made of what?

Tips & trik Registry

Posted by Achadi | 10:38 PM | 0 comments »

This Is script How to lock registry.


Anatomy of A remembrance

Posted by Achadi | 10:17 PM | | 0 comments »

Anatomy of A remembrance

• Memory was formed when brain cells make connections SINAPSIS

• The process to convey the information, starting from the cell body, is a process that is electrical, and chemical, and electrically longer.

• code of memory in pairs in the DNA molecule is RNA.

• When the signal in the carry through a sinapsis, MRNA convey the information necessary to enter the relationship.

• As result, discrimination power sinaptik occur, increasing the likelihood of nerve firing.

• Increased retention is likely sinaptik firing pattern in a particular nerve network.

• Many of the nerve involved in forming memories.

• Ignite a nerve with akan flowed together well.

• Retention of the complex based on combine various elements in a network.

• There is no one specific place in the brain for all the memories.

• Fragile explicit memory, implicit memory stronger.

Written by : Karren Markowitz & Eric Jensen

Type Of Memories

Posted by Achadi | 6:47 PM | | 0 comments »

Retention and relationship with the human brain.

Human brain is the body that distinguish between the human creature with the other. All the body systems in this set. One of the functions of the brain that most affect human activity is a remembrance. What actually recall that?. retention is the process of storing information on calling for the return by the brain.
Memory can also be defined as a reaction to elektrokimia a complex that is activated through various channels and stored in the sensory nerve network which is very complex and unique in the entire brain.

Type of memory based on the retention time :

1.Retention unite directly, stored for less than one second, or long enough, for example, to interpretation image, or word so that the word can be typed.

2.Active memory, or also called the short-term memory, for example, to rotate the phone numbers that just look and how to define or change after shopping.

3.Long-term memory, can survive for life, for example, someone who can remember the first love as if - it incident took place yesterday. Another example is the remembrance of our birth date.

That is some miracle of the human brain that we need to grateful existence in our bodies.


Posted by Achadi | 7:45 AM | 0 comments »


1. We think, move, and live (stimulus sensory).

2. All those activity was save on brain.

3. Those input will arrange on brain process, value, meaning, and utility.

4. Shell active.

5. Several shell will sent information to other shell by electric reaction and chemistry.

6. Those relation will reinforced by repeating, rest, and emotion. The powerful memory is now formed.

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